Mission Update May 2024
Pigs grow for profit
The Jesus Seminary in partnership with Renaissance Outreach Ministries has begun buying pigs which will help to financially support the seminary, ac-cording to President Jan L. Beaderstadt. Several pigs have already been purchased and are happily eating and breeding at the Kenya Institute of Organic Farming (KIOF) north of Nairobi, Kenya.
Mission Update May 2024
Mission trip ends poorly
I’ve been traveling on mission trips to various countries in Africa and Asia. Sadly, the February mission trip to Madagascar was the worst mission trip I’ve ever been on. It beat out the disastrous Uganda Trip of 2005.
Usually what happens to make a mission trip go bad is when one person does not fulfill their obligations. This usually happens when the person from the indigenous nation fails the team. Such was the case in Madagascar.
Mission Update August 2023
Chancellor Poudal to visit Michigan August
The Rev. Madhav Poudal and his wife Shanti of Kathmandu, Nepal is currently visiting family in California. He will be making a trip to Michigan and Indiana to meet with the Board of Directors of Renaissance Outreach Ministries which is the managing ministry for the Jesus Seminary.
Mission Update March 2023
Preaching in the slums of Kathmandu
The rain had turned the road into a sea of mud next to what is known as the Holy Bagmati River in Kathmandu, Nepal. According to the Hindu religion, this is a sacred river where people’s ashes are dumped after cremation in order to have a better next life. In reality, the river is an open sewer filled with garbage and old tires. I have observed that Hindus do not treat what they call sacred with respect
Mission Update February 2023
Experiencing post-Covid Kathmandu
As the plane approached Tribhuvan International Airport, the snow-capped peaks of the Himalayas could be seen to the north. The
world’s highest mountains were created by the conflict between two tectonic plates that are constantly pushing against each other. This
mounting pressure is alleviated by small tremors from time to time. Fortunately, the big earthquakes only happen about every 75 years. So small quakes helps to avoid the big ones.
Mission Update December 2022
Finally, a mission trip to Africa again
After being home for just over three years, I was finally able to make my first mission trip. This time it took me to back to Uganda where I was the preacher for the consecration of two new bishops along with taking a computer and arranging funds for a big screen TV for the Rwenzori School of Nursing in Kasese, locat-ed in western Uganda.
Mission Update April 2021
Forest Fires devastating Nepal
Some days in Kathmandu the air is so thick with smoke that you can’t even see, reports our people in Nepal. Forest fires in the mountain regions have blanketed the country with smoke.
Mission Update March 2021
Heading to Nepal March 28—Finally!
It’s been 21 months since I returned from Nepal to USA for an operation and recovery time . I certainly didn’t anticipate the arrival of COVID, plus other operations and lock-downs. Now I’m finally able to return to Nepal March 28.
Mission Update October 2020
By the time you get our latest newsletter, I’ll be on my way to University of Michigan hospital for my next surgery. On Tues-day, October 6, I will be having surgery on my back.
I have degenerative arthritis of the spine. MRIs have shown that lumbar 4—5 –6 are compressing the sciatic nerves. This is creating severe pain in both hips and down the legs, making it very difficult to walk.
Mission Update May 2020 – COVID-19 creates problems, hope
The Covid-19 continues to be a nightmare for the world today. As I write this article, Nepal and Uganda remained locked down. In Nepal, police roam the streets, enforcing the cur-few against those who would dare to venture out. In both countries, the lock-down has been extended to around the first of June, with no guarantee that the lock-downs will end then.
Become a member of Club 100
The Jesus Seminary of the Himalayas continues to grow and develop its programming as it trains pastors and church leaders. The Jesus Seminary now has three programs: PhD, Masters of Ministry and a Basic Program to train rural pas-tors with a limited education.
Enroll as a member of the Club 100. Support of the Jesus Seminary of the Himalayas.
April 2019 – 1st Medical Outpost begins
In May, the first of the Medical Out-posts for the Church of Uganda will open in Kikorongo village on the edge of Queen Elizabeth National Park. This is the first of ten proposed medical out-posts sponsored by Renaissance Out-reach Ministries.
Mission Update – Christmas 2018
By Rev. Jan L. Beaderstadt, MSJ
One of my favorite characters of the Christmas story is John the Baptist. A cousin to Jesus, he is definitely a color-ful character. Mark in his Gospel write:
“John wore clothing made of camel’s hair, with a leather belt around his waist, and he ate locusts and wild honey.”—Mark 1:6