Good Morning from Michigan

Good Morning!
I have returned to USA to take care of some medical issues,  mostly what I would call “routine maintenance” which comes with getting older. It is only a short trip, and I will be returning in early September to Nepal.
You can find our “Wish List” for 2015 by clicking here.
Thanks for your prayers and support.
Please pray for Rev. Gosto Sarker in Bangladesh who is dealing with some really difficult issues in Bangladesh.
It’s a rainy day in Kingsley, Michigan where I will be doing a presentation tomorrow about Nepal and our work there.
I’ve attached the latest of our newsletters to keep you up to date. We are featuring some of our ministry partners in Nepal for your information.
You can see our newsletters from July and August here
Rev. Jan L. Beaderstadt, President
Renaissance Outreach Ministries
P. O. Box 121, Greentown, IN 46936